The Lock Picker: Book, Guide To Lock Picking, How to Pick a Lock

It's time to stop reading the same old information that is peddled around lock picking web sites that simply tell you how a pin tumbler lock works and then how to pick it.

How many times have you seen the MIT guide to Lock Picking? I could name at least 10 lock picking web sites right now that sell this outdated manual. There are loads more still that have just copied the information in it and have it on their web site as a so-called 'how to' guide.

You could spend hours looking for tiny morsels of information hidden on web sites across the internet, only to find that it still doesn't tell you exactly how these locks work and how to pick them.

On top of all this, the 'professionals' in the locksmithing world closely guard their trade secrets and will not even allow you access to their web sites, forums or online shops.

Ten years ago, I started picking locks for fun when I picked a padlock with a hair pin. The padlock was such low quality that I just inserted the hair pin and wiggled it around and it opened.

I was AMAZED that it could even be sold as a padlock intended to protect people's property, but even so, it sparked my interest in picking locks and it escalated from there.

I have bought countless books, spent hours (more like days) in online lock picking forums, and I have even forked over hundreds of dollars to go to a locksmith training course. I have read through hundreds of lock picking web sites, top to bottom, and bought tools from all over the world.

What became clear to me over the years is that good quality lock picking information is extremely hard to find. The best...

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